December 04, 2015


"Jangan pernah letak harapan penghargaan pada seseorang,
sebab manusia memang terlalu lemah untuk beri penghargaan yang seseorang patut dapat"

This statement suddenly reminds me of my college days. I used to get severely affected just because of the work that we did wasn't really recognised by *this someone*. It wasn't the greatest feeling ever when you put so much effort to do something but in the end you felt like you were underappreciated. Only God knows (and perhaps my friends as well) how sad and disappointed I was back then.

But at the end of the day, I started to question myself
So what if we were under appreciated?
So what if people didn't acknowledge the work that we have done? *I think it wasn't that good after all, lol*
Am I here solely to impress them? 

As I was talking to my friend, she reminded me "You have to remember the fact that all of this happened with Allah's permission. Bila kau rasa yang kau tak di-appreciate tu pun, Allah yang susun dalam aturanNya"

It got me thinking, there is something really important that I needed to learn, for He won't test us without any reasons.

Baru sedar, sebenarnya kita tak perlu pun 'dahagakan' penghargaan dari seseorang tu, kalau kita betul- betul tahu the real One yang kita nak impress is not the people here, but the One up there. I'm being hypocritical as I write this because I still crave for people's acknowledgement when I do certain things. I think that is normal, well I *hope* it's normal to feel this way. Nevertheless, now that  I know my priority, hope I can work towards it!

Mungkin hati belum cukup mengenal Dia,
Bila tiap yang dilakukan bukan keranaNya,
Mungkin Dia nak ajar supaya berhenti berharap pada manusia.

I wish someone had told me about this earlier so that I don't have to go through all the dramas, but well I think there are some things that you will never understand until you experience it yourself. Having said that, I'm not claiming i'm all experienced now, perhaps I just began to understand this concept and it overwhelms me so much that I feel the need to share it (I believe in the power of sharing!) Afterall, this is just my two cents, wallahu'alam.

p/s: writing about college days is like writing some sort of ancient history, little did I realise it's only 6 months back!

March 08, 2015


now it all makes sense when they said  "nanti kalau dapat scholarship, jgn besar kepala" 

mungkin sebab kita mudah lupa.

scholarship tu bukan utk buat kita rasa superior dari org lain
scholarship tu bukan utk kita merendah- rendahkan orang yang tak dapat
scholarship tu juga bukan penanda aras seseorang tu berjaya atau tak


scholarship tu salah satu pintu rezeki, dari beribu- ribu pintu yang lain
scholarship tu salah satu ujian dariNya; to see how we deal with all the blessings God has given us.

 "Jika kau merasa besar, periksa hatimu
  Mungkin ia sedang bengkak

  Jika kau merasa tinggi, periksa batinmu
  Mungkin ia sedang kehilangan pijakan"
-Salim A. Fillah-

Just a reminder for all of us (including me, of course) ; the forgetful ones.


March 02, 2015

"but how come you've never told me about it earlier?"

and I can feel a part of me starting to break....

February 19, 2015

Kita selesa, mereka sengsara

If I've learned anything from this book, 
I'd say, 
I've learned that history repeats, 

It is so similar, as if he is still alive today, 
in his vision of eradication, 
by any means, is practiced every single day, 
taking lives that don't even deserve his enmity. 

"Apartheid" wasn't okay in South Africa,
it wasn't okay in Nazi Germany, 
but why is it okay in Palestine? 

If you were now in Hitler's time
during the genocide, 
what would you do, 
to those afflicted and terrorized? 

Just keep quite and be a law abiding citizen?
"let the leaders do their jobs"
well, that's what they said

Little did we know
behind each statistics 
there lies a story, a hope
of a small and harmless girl 
who wishes that one day
the world will see her as she is 
knowing that she did nothing
to deserve their enmity.

Of tanks, planes and missiles, 
Of barren land and fruitless trees,

Of fading screams and global silence.


January 26, 2015


Tak usah nak kejar benda yang tak pasti,

"Belajar putus asa,
dalam mengejar cinta yang tak pasti entah apa hujungnya"