January 03, 2020


This is dedicated for you who might be struggling or holding on to the last ounce of strength that you may have to face the uncertainties of tomorrow. 

Do know that you are not alone. 

This is for you, this is for us :)
I ponder a lot on this concept recently
A phase full of self-doubts & feeling of lacking 
But without which, we won’t be growing
And without which, we’d only be stagnating

Transition from a student to an employee
Transition to get used to lose your beloved family 
Transition to adapt with a new surrounding
Transition to deal with situations that are a bit tricky  

It’s normal to feel uncomfortable because you’re not used to it
By all means, aim high and put your 100% to commit
It’s perfectly normal to set a high expectation 
But please remember to show some self-compassion 

Don’t beat yourself up when you mess up 
It’s totally okay to fall short of such expectation, own your mistakes and move on
It’s very humbling (and maybe a little frustrating) to accept that the “best” version of you will still occasionally stumble
Perhaps our flaws exist to remind us to remain humble

Sometimes we can be our own biggest critic
If only we transform such criticisms to a more supportive narrative
Maybe we’ll be a lot steadier and calmer
The key is to learn to be at peace with your own progress
And to accept that we are, after all, only a human

You don’t have to pretend that you’re okay when you’re not
Slow down and notice your feelings
There are no “good” or “bad” feelings
Notice it, deal with it and take small steps every day to improve

“Dealing” doesn’t mean sweeping it under the carpet so it’s out of sight
It will resurface in a much uglier way if we keep on hiding it
Ponder on those feelings to understand, and not to force change 
I know it takes a whole lot of courage to be vulnerable, especially to your own self
But it is such a necessary step for your healing 

To all friends who have been (or are still) in a hard time
Massive kudos for surviving up until this point
Maybe you didn’t notice, but I believe you’ve only been stronger and wiser day by day
“Ujian datang ketika Dia tahu, kita butuh dikuatkan” [Merayakan Kegagalan, Fitriyani Syahrir]
He tries whom He loves, if only we knew :)
May He reward you abundantly for being patient all this while

We don't get to choose where we are going to be placed
Or what lessons He wants to teach
But have faith, as He never intends to hurt
and He is indeed the best to accommodate [Quran 23:29]

After all, 
Our whole life is in itself, a transition
Not just a mere transition, but one that leads to the eternal life
Where the perfection that we often seek really exists
So whatever circumstances that we had to face (or will be facing)
Just hang on a little bit more
Better things are indeed coming

Let's pray about it as much as we think about it :)

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