March 22, 2019

Something awakening

"I have some concerns on XX. I'm writing a referral letter for you to follow up, okay?"

Suddenly, I feel like my life flashes before my eyes (dramatic)
and everything else starts to matter less except the answer to this question:
have I actually done enough?

Tried to hold back my tears
but I can feel the warmth of it as it rolled down my cheeks
maybe it's full of words that I'll never speak
breath, cry, let it go

Strength isn't defined as someone who doesn't cry
or as someone who can defy their own feelings
but it's when you can finally admit your weakness and fear
when you're better, get back up again, smile like you always do
make yourself and other people happy, because it makes you forget your own sadness

At this moment, praying to Him never felt more real

Even in this emotional chaos, the heart is at peace knowing that He's there for me
and I know, no love can ever beat His eternal love

I'm grateful for this little experience
it certainly knocks me down
but maybe He knows what I needed when I'm a bit lost
to re-evaluate my life, my decisions and everything in between
to always live my life with a purpose even if sometimes it feels rather empty
I need to take charge and fill it with goodness, with reasons
so I won't regret when I look back at my actions and even inactions.

Because we are living on borrowed time
so what's your reflection?

p/s: funny how the thought of having a little sickness made me ponder upon all these things because with or without this sickness (or any other sickness), my time here is always limited. It's not like I wasn't aware of it, right. Just being forgetful (as always =/ )

March 19, 2019

Happiness is making other people smile,
Happiness is also knowing that people wouldn't mind going the extra mile to make you smile.
(pls note, it rhymes ok :D)

and for that, I should be really grateful. 

March 04, 2019


Kematangan itu
apabila kita mempunyai 1001 sebab untuk marah
tetapi kita masih mampu bersuara secara rasional

Kematangan itu
apabila kita mampu mengetepikan kepentingan diri
demi satu kebaikan yang lebih besar

Kematangan itu
apabila kita benar-benar mampu berlapang dada
ketika diuji untuk menerima sisi kelemahan manusia lain

By all means, 
please validate your feelings- after all, the feelings are created to be felt
but we have to be smart to draw the lines 
between acknowledging your feelings and acting upon it.