September 17, 2020

Note to self

"If everyone is tested, then why some people seem like they have it 'all figured out' compared to me?"

Well, maybe some people are just good in hiding their struggles. And more importantly, maybe our stories are not meant to be compared at all 

I think I finally get it. Life will never be calm. Life will never be free of disturbance or turbulence. It just doesn't work that way. 

"Verily we created man into toil and struggle" (90:4). This is what has been promised to us. We need to learn to accept the fact that this life is meant to test us with things that are scary, uncertain and makes us feel very confused. 

Yes, life is full of struggles but our faith equips us with the strength to face the hardships. We need to stop searching for treasures of paradise here because it is only a place to test us. We need to find ways to stay afloat despite feeling drowned. 

"People can take so many things from us; our belongings, our homes, and even the souls of people we love. They can ransack our lives and leave us with what seems like nothing. But they can't steal our hope or the opportunities that God puts in our paths. They can do damage to our bodies, but they can never erase faith from our hearts." (A Place of Refuge, Asmaa Hussein)

May Allah grant us the clarity of mind to see and understand what He is showing to us and guiding us to. May Allah give us both ease and growth so we can finally accept and overcome whatever difficulties. 

"Peace be upon you for what you have patiently endured. And excellent is the final Home" (13:24)