July 10, 2019

Testing my patience

When people treat me badly
I have to keep on reminding myself
I shouldn’t be mad 
They are not like that as a response of who i am or what i do 
They are like that because of who they are 
Their actions can only speak volume about themselves
Not me. Certainly not my worth. And not my value 
Hence i remind myself
I only need to respond kindly and not dramatically 
Because only *my response* can define *me*
Not their hurtful actions or words 

I have to assess the subject objectively 
although the words may seem hurtful 
Some people just dont know how to say things nicely
But that does not mean that I can totally dismiss their comments
In this world, I can’t expect everyone to speak my language
This will test your patience, so please be patient, with a beautiful patience

Also when people treat me badly 
It takes courage and so much strength to see beyond their actions and words 
If you look carefully, you’ll find deep scars
Well-hidden behind the attitude that they portray
Those that have never been healed 
Or once healed but then they bleed again for whatever reason

And sometimes i wonder 
To what extent do people deserve second chances? 

But then i suppose, as many times as I would want people to give me.